Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why I love Wikis!

My love for wikis came from one of my NAU Educational Technology Master's classes called Creating Learning Environments.  I was amazed at how my professor was able to create a user friendly Master's level course with just a wiki!  No Blackboard?  No Vista?  No Moodle?....No need!  Not with a wiki, anyways.  The more my class trudged on, the more I was amazed with just how capable a wiki actually was.  The more I used our course wiki, the more fascinated I became with them.  I then decided to start using them on my own for some of the project-based assessments that I had to create for my various classes. 

Today, I still love the fact that wikis allow for easy WYSIWYG editing, easy collaboration, easy organization....and are completely free!  I now have a classroom wiki (http://misshendleysclass.pbworks.com/)  instead of a classroom website because of all the advantages a wiki offers me.  I do love that a wiki allows me to design and organize my own site however I choose.  I can upload files and images, and even embed several Web 2.0 tools to further the usefulness of my wiki.  I can make students contributors to my site as well if I so choose.

Wikis are not only useful as classroom websites, but can be great for presenting information on a topic, or a great place for a group working on a project to share ideas and documents as well.  I even use a separate wiki site as my professional e-portfolio.  Students could do this too!  I often present lessons and units on my classroom wiki for a real online learning experience.  There are many different wikis out  there to choose from, but my two favorites are Pbworks and Wikispaces.  Both sites offer educational memberships. 

I hope this post gets you thinking about using wikis in your own teaching adventures!

(Talking Tech Teacher)

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